Laennec, Sprague & Co -
Die Geschichte des Stethoskopes

Eine Textquellen-Sammlung

Schalldiagnostische Verfahren - die Geschichte von Perkussion und Auskultation

U.Koehler, V.Gross, C.Reincke, T.Penzel

PNEUMOLOGIE, Juli 2004, Jahrgang 58, Seiten 525-530

DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-818416

Volltext frei zugänglich [pdf]



Die erlernbare Feinheit der Sinne: Zur Historie von Perkussion und Auskultation - Abstract!

U. Koehler, Dtsch med Wochenschr 2004; 129: 2793-2796

DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-836116

Volltextzugriff über Nationallizenzen




An Ear to the Chest

An Illustrated History of the Evolution of the Stethoscope

1. Auflage 2001

120 Seiten

ISBN 9781850702788

Parthenon Publishing / CRC Press

aktueller Preis


Product Description: The stethoscope has come to represent the physician perhaps more than any other symbol save the shaft of Aesculapius. It has had a profound influence on the practice of medicine. Called a "fascinating book" by the New York Times, An Ear to the Chest: An Illustrated History of the Evolution of the Stethoscope explores the debate over the value of the stethoscope, its design, and its acceptance by the public and the professionals who used it. The book contains fascinating details about the stethoscope from its beginnings as a simple wooden tube to the complex binaural devices used today. The variety of stethoscopes that have been designed number in the hundreds or more. Providing information about the instrument and insights into its inventors, the author has included truly evolutionary examples of the stethoscope and those that illustrate the wide variety of approaches taken in its development. Written by Dr. M. Donald Blaufox, noted medical historian and co-author with N.H. Naqvi of Blood Pressure Measurement: An Illustrated History, this book presents a visual history of the evolution of the instrument that is now universally recognized as a symbol for medicine and healing. It provides diagrams, early photographs and drawings, as well as excerpts from contemporary writings and patents. Informative and entertaining An Ear to the Chest: An Illustrated History of the Evolution of the Stethoscope explores the practices used prior to the development of the stethoscope, the early days of its use, and current practice.

>> Rezension


Von BLAUFOX gibt es auch das Buch:

Von Nassim H. NAQVI, M. Donald BLAUFOX

Blood Pressure Measurement

An Illustrated History

156 Seiten

1. Auflage 1998

ISBN 9781850700135

>> Inhalt bei google.books







This site is designed to be an educational experience dedicated to the history of the stethoscope. All images inside are from this private collection unless otherwise noted to be part of a museum collection. - An exceptional collection of antique stethoscopes and articles detailing their history started by Erik Soiferman and now owned and maintained by Eric Rackow.


>> DIAGNOSTIC CARDIOLOGY: from a tap on the chest to viewing the heart in three dimensions [pdf]

Arthur Hollman, MD, FRCP, FLS; Department of Cardiology - Conquest Hospital - Hastings - East Sussex - TN37 7RD - UK;

Dialogues in Cardiovascular Medicine - Vol 11 - No.2.2006


>> Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laënnec (1781–1826): The Man Behind the Stethoscope | The evolution of the stethoscope (Tabelle)

Clinical Medicine & Research; Volume 4, Number 3 : 230 -235, 2006


>> zur Entstehung des Namens "Stethoskop"

GRABEK et al., Enzyklopädie Medizingeschichte, 2004, deGruyter


>> Wikipedia EN: Stethoscope


>> Lexikonartikel: Auskulatation | Faksimile [jpg]

Meyers Konversationslexikon, 4. Auflage, 1885-1892


>> The History of Cardiology

Men, Ideas and Contributions von Louis J. Acierno


>> A Dictionary of the History of Medicine: Stethoscope

Von Anton Sebastian


>> History of Littmann Stethoscopes at a glance

3M, United States


>> De l'auscultation médiate

Buch von René Théophile Hyacinthe Laennec, Veröffentlicht 1819


>> Zeittafel Laennec

>> Le Docteur Laennec et Pont-l'Abbé


>> | >> Linksammlung

Britische medizinhistorische Sammlung mit detailreicher Bebilderung


>> geburtshilfliche Hörrohre

Histotische geburtshilflich-gynäkologische Sammlung an der Klinik und Poliklinik für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe, Greifswald


Laennec à l'hôpital Necker ausculte un phtisique devant ses élèves

Bild von Théobald Chartran, 1816







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